Leuven City Hall
Building on this foundation, I moved to London as an EMBO Long-term Fellow to join Sharon Tooze's lab at the Francis Crick Institute. There, my research centered on the interplay between lipid scramblase and trafficking proteins ATG9A and ATG2A, and their collaborative role in autophagosome biogenesis. In my postdoctoral role, I supervised a Master student and participated in various public outreach activities, including representing the Crick at New Scientist Live. Concurrently, I became an eLife ambassador, coordinating a team of early career researchers (ECRs) to explore ways of involving more ECRs in the peer review process. Our discussions culminated in two blog posts, which can be found here, and here.
My academic journey began with a PhD in Biomedical Sciences at the KU Leuven in Belgium, under the supervision of Patrizia Agostinis. My work centered on the ER stress kinase PERK and its role in membrane contact site formation. During my PhD, I had the privilege of supervising two Master students and teaching the practical course "photometric dosage of proteins" to first-year Bachelor students. Additionally, I served as the PhD student representative on the departmental board, which provided valuable insight into the inner workings of a department.

The Francis Crick Institute

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
After gaining valuable experience and insights during my time at the Francis Crick Institute, I transitioned to my current position as a postdoc in Sean Munro's lab at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology. Here, my research focuses on the role of Rab1 in autophagy.